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Moscow, Idaho Addiction Resources

Overdose, Support, & Treatment Addiction Resources in Moscow, ID

Located along the state border with Washington, the northern Idaho city of Moscow is home to the University of Idaho, a land grant research institution. Moscow also boasts seventeen local parks with a variety of outdoor activities available. Moscow, Idaho zip codes are 83843 and 83844. The community, though small, has resources for those who have fallen in to addition problems. 

Those who are suffering from addiction feel its effects in every part of the world, including in Moscow. If you or someone you know is suffering from addiction, there is help. You can beat this. Here are some addiction resources in Moscow that will help you and your loved ones fight back against the force of addiction that has taken your independence away.

Addiction, whether it’s to alcohol, illicit drugs like heroin and cocaine, or legal ones like OxyContin and Xanax, can be devastating. It can ravage an individual’s health, destroy their family, sabotage their careers, and leave them broke and enslaved to their own uncontrollable urges.

To make matters worse, rates of addiction are on the rise in Idaho. Drunk driving fatalities have surged year over year, opioid overdoses claim the life of an Idaho resident every 45 hours, and meth cases have tripled in just a single year.

And unfortunately, Moscow isn’t safe from this growing trend either.

Thankfully, there are a variety of addiction resources to help addicts treat an overdose, find much-needed support, and get the treatment they finally need.

This guide points out these invaluable resources and, ultimately, can end up saving your life.

Do You Have Questions About Addiction? Call Our Recovery Experts Now.

Addiction in Moscow, ID - Facts You Need to Know

There are many variables to addiction, but the damage felt is always devastating. Regardless of the substances, the circumstances, or the symptoms, those affected by addiction suffer a pain that is unbearable.

Alcohol, prescription drugs, illicit drugs, and other addictions can be harmful to you, your loved ones, and those around you. Making the choice to seek help now can help you regain and in many cases, even save your life.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the number of deaths as a result of heroin overdose increased 6-fold from 2001 to 2014. This number has continued to rise over the last two years.

What to Do During an Overdose

Overdoses are one of the most serious outcomes of a chronic substance abuse problem. But don’t be fooled. Overdosing can happen to anyone – even first-time users.

And given that overdoses on drugs and alcohol are now the leading cause of death among Americans under the age of 50, it’s never been more important than now to know how to treat an overdose effectively.

Without a doubt, the single most important action to take is to call 911 and get professional medical help. These medical professionals have both the expertise and the medications like naloxone that can ensure the absolute best outcome of any overdose scenario.

If you do have to leave the side of an overdose victim to contact medical services (even if it’s only for a minute), be sure to put them in the recovery position.

After contacting 911, they will likely send an ambulance and may also tell you to begin administering CPR.

They may also ask you a number of questions including:

  • What is the victim’s age, height, weight, and condition?
  • What drug did they consume?
  • How much of the drug did they consume?
  • When did they last consume it?

Once emergency services arrive, they’ll likely transfer the victim to a hospital so they can receive a more comprehensive level of care.

The first step is spotting the signs of an OD early. Symptoms of an overdose vary from substance to substance. But some of the most common signs to watch out for include:

Alcohol Overdose

  • Confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Slow breathing (less than eight breaths a minute)
  • Irregular breathing (a gap of more than 10 seconds between breaths)
  • Blue-tinged skin or pale skin
  • Low body temperature (hypothermia)
  • Passing out (unconsciousness) and can't be awakened

Opioid Overdose

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Unresponsive to outside stimulus
  • Awake, but unable to talk
  • Breathing is very slow and shallow, erratic, or has stopped
  • For lighter skinned people, the skin tone turns bluish purple, for darker skinned people, it turns grayish or ashen.
  • Choking sounds, or a snore-like gurgling noise (sometimes called the “death rattle”)
  • Vomiting
  • Body is very limp
  • Face is very pale or clammy
  • Fingernails and lips turn blue or purplish black
  • Pulse (heartbeat) is slow, erratic, or not there at all

Stimulant Overdose

  • Profuse sweating
  • Agitation
  • Elevated heartbeat and blood pressure
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Impaired judgment
  • Tremors
  • Aggression and emotional instability
  • Seizures
  • Headache
  • Dilated pupils

Benzodiazepine Overdose

  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Weakness
  • Slurred speech
  • Lack of coordination
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Coma

12-Step Support Groups

One of the most well-known types of support groups is the 12-step group. Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and a variety of other programs all make use of this model. And in fact, it's been proven to be so beneficial that the National Institute on Drug Abuse actually lists it as one of the 8 proven behavioral therapies for treating addiction.

Support groups are helpful

On top of that, 12-step groups are also 100% free, open to all, and are widely available – making them perfect options for addiction support.

If you are suffering from an addiction to illicit drugs or prescriptions drugs, Narcotics Anonymous or NA can provide you the support group you need to overcome your addiction. Not to be confused with AA, Narcotics Anonymous addresses addiction in all its forms, not just with alcohol.

This type of 12-step program is also enormously popular all over the world. In fact, NA holds more than 67 thousand meetings in 139 different countries.

And since they also follow the 12-step model, NA groups can be an essential part of any recovery program.

Support is available for you in the Moscow, Idaho area. You can view this list of meeting locations and times to find out when and where you can go to get the help you need. If you're unsure of if NA is right for you, you can take the free addiction assessment.

Below are the listed Narcotics Anonymous meetings that take place within Moscow itself, along with a bit more information about each meeting.

Gritman Medical Center (1st Floor conference Room)
Sunday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
700 South Main Street
Moscow, ID 83843-3056
This meeting follows a Just for Today Study format; Wheelchair accessible

Gritman Medical Center (2nd floor Conference Room)
Monday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
700 South Main Street
Moscow, ID 83843-3056
This meeting follows a Basic Text format; Wheelchair accessible

Latah Recovery Center
Tuesday at 5:30PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
531 South Main Street, #B
Moscow, ID 83843-2982
This meeting follows a Discussion/Participation format; Wheelchair accessible

Gritman Medical Center (1st Floor conference Room)
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
700 South Main Street
Moscow, ID 83843-3056
Wheelchair accessible

Gritman Medical Center (2nd floor Conference Room)
Friday at 10:45AM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
700 South Main Street
Moscow, ID 83843-3056
This meeting follows a Discussion/Participation format; Wheelchair accessible

Latah Recovery Center
Friday at 5:30PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
531 South Main Street, #B
Moscow, ID 83843-2982
Wheelchair accessible

One of the best things about 12-step groups is the fact that there are so many different groups to choose from. If any of the NA meetings within Moscow don’t work for you, then, there are still a number of options in areas nearby.

Below are some of the closest groups to have a look at.


Riverside Recovery (Basement)
Sunday at 4:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
1720 18th Avenue
Lewiston, ID 83501-4047

155 Main Street
Sunday at 6:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
155 Main St
Orofino, ID 83544-


United Methodist Church (United Hall)
Monday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
Highway 95
Lapwai, ID 83540
Wheelchair accessible

703 8th St
Monday at 12:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
703 8th Street
Lewiston, ID 83501-2626


Church of Christ (basement door)
Tuesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
1125 NE Stadium Way
Pullman, WA 99163-3834
Topic Discussion; Wheelchair accessible

1830 6th Ave N
Tuesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
1830 6th Avenue North
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair accessible

Riverside Recovery (Basement)
Tuesday at 12:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
1720 18th Avenue
Lewiston, ID 83501-4047


703 8th St
Wednesday at 6:30PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
703 8th Street
Lewiston, ID 83501-2626
Wheelchair accessible

Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
415 6th Street
Lewiston, ID 83501-2431
Literature Study; Wheelchair accessible; 2nd Floor Conference Rooms-check bulletin board for room assignment

United Methodist Church (United Hall)
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
Highway 95
Lapwai, ID 83540
Wheelchair accessible

Seventh Day Adventist Church (Basement)
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
9th & Jefferson Avenue
Saint Maries, ID 83861
This meeting follows a Discussion/Participation format; Wheelchair accessible

Coeur d'Alene Tribal Veterans Center
Wednesday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
Mitch Michael Drive & South 1st Street
Worley, ID 83876


Church of Christ (basement door)
Thursday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
1125 NE Stadium Way
Pullman, WA 99163-3834
Topic Discussion; Wheelchair accessible

Agape Hall (2nd floor Conference Room B)
Thursday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
347 Thain Road
Lewiston, ID 83501-5336


Church of Christ (basement door)
Friday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
1125 NE Stadium Way
Pullman, WA 99163-3834
Topic Discussion; Wheelchair accessible

Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
Friday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
415 6th Street
Lewiston, ID 83501-2431
Wheelchair accessible; 2nd Floor Conference Rooms-check bulletin board for room assignment

703 8th St
Friday at 12:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
703 8th Street
Lewiston, ID 83501-2626
Wheelchair accessible


Freedom Place Drop-In
Saturday at 3:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
235 Johnson Avenue
Orofino, ID 83544
This meeting follows a Discussion/Participation format; This meeting follows a Beginner/Newcomer format; Children Welcome; Wheelchair accessible

Church of Christ (basement door)
Saturday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
1125 NE Stadium Way
Pullman, WA 99163-3834
Topic Discussion; Wheelchair accessible; This meeting follows a Candlelight format

Alano Club
Saturday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
1435 Elm Street
Clarkston, WA 99403-2337
Last Saturday of month is key tag meeting

Community Presbyterian Church (Basement)
Saturday at 7:00PM
Meeting is open to all and anyone may attend.
1100 West College Avenue
Saint Maries, ID 83861-1635
Wheelchair accessible

If you or someone you know is suffering from an alcohol addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous or AA, can help you just as it has helped so many others overcome their addiction. AA's 12-step program has been proven effective, so much so that other organizations have utilized it in their own programs.

And given that this support group has well over 2 million members and more than 120 thousand groups taking place worldwide in 2017, it’s safe to say that AA is easily one of the most popular support groups in the world.

Get your life back by finding AA meetings in Moscow.

Thankfully, there are a number of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings that take place within Moscow, Idaho to choose from.


Sunday Morning Meeting
Sunday at 9:30am
This meeting is open to all.
Christian Center
822 Elm St
Moscow, ID 83843

Meeting Group
Sunday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Latah Recovery Center
531 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843
Potluck-Speaker meeting 3rd Saturday of each month at noon.

Extended Hand Group
Sunday at 6:00pm
This meeting is open to all.
United Methodist Church
322 E 3rd St
Moscow, ID 83843
Grapevine Meeting.


Too Dam Early Meeting
Monday at 6:00am
This meeting is open to all.
St Augustine's Church U of I Campus
628 S Deakin St
Moscow, ID 83843

Great Day To Be Sober Group
Monday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Gritman Medical Center-Second floor conference room.
700 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843
Children Welcome.

Getting Lucky Nooner
Monday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Latah Recovery Center
531 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843

New Beginnings Women's Group Women
Monday at 7:30pm
This meeting is open to all.
United Methodist Church
322 E 3rd St
Moscow, ID 83843
This meeting is for women only.


Too Dam Early Meeting
Tuesday at 6:00am
This meeting is open to all.
St Augustine's Church U of I Campus
628 S Deakin St
Moscow, ID 83843

Getting Lucky Nooner
Tuesday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Latah Recovery Center
531 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843

Moscow Happy Hour
Tuesday at 5:30pm
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking may attend.
United Church Of Moscow
123 W 1st St
Moscow, ID 83843
Men and Women Alcoholics.


Too Dam Early Meeting
Wednesday at 6:00am
This meeting is open to all.
St Augustine's Church U of I Campus
628 S Deakin St
Moscow, ID 83843

Getting Lucky Nooner
Wednesday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Latah Recovery Center
531 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843

Bring Your Own Book Group
Wednesday at 5:30pm
This meeting is open to all.
St Mary's Center
618 E 1st St
Moscow, ID 83843
This meeting follows a Discussion format; This meeting follows a Speaker format; Speaker meeting first Wednesday of the month.


Great Day To Be Sober Group
Thursday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Gritman Medical Center-Second floor conference room.
700 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843
Children Welcome.

Getting Lucky Nooner
Thursday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Latah Recovery Center
531 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843

Moscow Happy Hour
Thursday at 5:30pm
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking may attend.
United Church Of Moscow
123 W 1st St
Moscow, ID 83843
Men and Women Alcoholics.


Great Day To Be Sober Group
Friday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Gritman Medical Center-Second floor conference room.
700 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843
Children Welcome.

Getting Lucky Nooner
Friday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Latah Recovery Center
531 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843

Moscow Friday Night Group
Friday at 8:00pm
This meeting is open to all.
St Mark's Episcopal Church
111 S Jefferson St
Moscow, ID 83843
Corner of 1st and Jefferson. Downstairs back entrance.


Getting Lucky Nooner
Saturday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Latah Recovery Center
531 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843

If the meetings within Moscow don’t quite match up with your schedule or if you’re just looking for a different “feel,” there are plenty of other options nearby. Below are some of the closest meetings outside of Moscow to consider.


Jokers Wild
Sunday at 7:00pm
This meeting is open to all.
LCSC Campus (Meriwether Lewis Hall)
500 8th Ave
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair Accessible.


Living Sober Meeting
Monday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Community Congregational United Church
525 NE Campus St
Pullman, WA 99163

Monday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Change Point
1020 Main St
Lewiston, ID 83501

Noon Group
Monday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Salvation Army
1220 21st St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair Accessible.

Grassroots Group
Monday at 5:45pm
This meeting is open to all.
LC Full Gospel Church Annex
812 8th St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair Accessible.

Troy Group
Monday at 7:00pm
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking may attend.
Holy Trinity
218 E Missoula Ave
Troy, MT 59935
Wheelchair Accessible.

Three Forks Group
Monday at 8:00pm
This meeting is open to all.
Simpson Methodist Church
325 NE Maple St
Pullman, WA 99163

The Late Night Meeting
Monday at 8:15pm
This meeting is open to all.
1830 6th Ave N
Lewiston, ID 83501


Grassroots Group
Tuesday at 6:30am
This meeting is open to all.
LC Full Gospel Church Annex
812 8th St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair Accessible.

Living Sober Meeting
Tuesday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Community Congregational United Church
525 NE Campus St
Pullman, WA 99163

Tuesday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Change Point
1020 Main St
Lewiston, ID 83501

Noon Group
Tuesday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Salvation Army
1220 21st St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair Accessible.

Work In Progress Group
Tuesday at 7:00pm
This meeting is open to all.
Pullman Regional Hospital
835 SE Bishop Blvd
Pullman, WA 99163
Room C.

Lewis & Clark Group
Tuesday at 8:00pm
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking may attend.
LC Full Gospel Church Annex
812 8th St
Lewiston, ID 83501


Living Sober Meeting
Wednesday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Community Congregational United Church
525 NE Campus St
Pullman, WA 99163

Wednesday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Change Point
1020 Main St
Lewiston, ID 83501

Noon Group
Wednesday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Salvation Army
1220 21st St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair Accessible.

Serenity Grp-Book Study
Wednesday at 7:00pm
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking may attend.
Holy Trinity
218 E Missoula Ave
Troy, MT 59935
Wheelchair Accessible.

New Freedom Group
Wednesday at 7:30pm
This meeting is open to all.
Pullman Presbyterian Church
1630 NE Stadium Way
Pullman, WA 99163


Grassroots Group
Thursday at 6:30am
This meeting is open to all.
LC Full Gospel Church Annex
812 8th St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair Accessible.

Thursday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Change Point
1020 Main St
Lewiston, ID 83501

Noon Group
Thursday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Salvation Army
1220 21st St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair Accessible.

Living Sober Meeting
Thursday at 12:10pm
This meeting is open to all.
Community Congregational United Church
525 NE Campus St
Pullman, WA 99163

Grassroots Group
Thursday at 5:45pm
This meeting is open to all.
LC Full Gospel Church Annex
812 8th St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair Accessible.

Sunlight Of The Spirit Women's Group Women
Thursday at 7:00pm
This meeting is open to all.
Pullman Presbyterian Church
1630 NE Stadium Way
Pullman, WA 99163
This meeting is for women only.

Three Forks Group
Thursday at 7:00pm
This meeting is open to all.
Simpson Methodist Church
325 NE Maple St
Pullman, WA 99163

Troy Group
Thursday at 7:00pm
This meeting is open to all.
Troy Baptist Church
725 E Missoula Ave
Troy, MT 59935
Wheelchair Accessible.

Lewis & Clark Group
Thursday at 8:00pm
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking may attend.
LC Full Gospel Church Annex
812 8th St
Lewiston, ID 83501


Friday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Change Point
1020 Main St
Lewiston, ID 83501

Noon Group
Friday at Noon
This meeting is open to all.
Salvation Army
1220 21st St
Lewiston, ID 83501
Wheelchair Accessible.

S.O.B.E.R. Sisters
Friday at 7:00pm
This meeting is open to all.
Holy Trinity
218 E Missoula Ave
Troy, MT 59935
No Meeting on last Friday.

Living Sober Meeting
Friday at 12:10pm
This meeting is open to all.
Community Congregational United Church
525 NE Campus St
Pullman, WA 99163


Living Sober Meeting
Saturday at 12:10pm
This meeting is open to all.
Community Congregational United Church
525 NE Campus St
Pullman, WA 99163

New Freedom Group
Saturday at 7:30pm
This meeting is open to all.
Pullman Presbyterian Church
1630 NE Stadium Way
Pullman, WA 99163

Lewis & Clark Group
Saturday at 8:00pm
This meeting is open to all.
LC Full Gospel Church Annex
812 8th St
Lewiston, ID 83501

It's impossible to understand everything that your loved one is going through when they are working towards recovery from an addiction. Al-Anon meetings can help you better understand the struggles associated with addiction, making you better equipped to aid your loved ones in their own struggle.

On top of that, family members of addicts often need their own healing and support. Oftentimes friends and loved ones that have watched someone close to them succumb to addiction also struggle with a range of problems too. Al-Anon can help provide essential support for these family members and can help them better support the addict in their life as well as themselves.

This meeting list above also contains times for Alateen meetings held in Moscow. Alateen is a meeting catered to teens who are looking for support in dealing with the addictions of their parents or relatives.

Moscow AFG
Friday 8:00 PM
Gritman Hospital
700 S Main St, Moscow, ID, 83843, USA
Meeting held in conference room
Student & Professional observers welcome
Handicap Access

Thursday Night Book Study AFG
Thursday 7:00 PM
Presbyterian Church
1630 NE Stadium Way, Pullman, WA, 99163, USA
Handicap Access

Wednesday Night AFG Study Group
Wednesday 7:00 PM
Pullman Presbyterian Church
1630 NE Stadium Way, Pullman, WA, 99163, USA
Enter from parking lot, go down hall to right, first room on left: library room 207
Handicap Access

Lewis And Clark Tuesday Night AFG
Tuesday 7:00 PM
Episcopal Church of Nativity
731 8th St, Lewiston, ID, 83501, USA
Student & Professional observers welcome
Handicap Access

Clarkston Roundtable AFG
Friday 7:00 PM
Clarkston Presbyterian Church
1122 Diagonal St, Clarkston, WA, 99403, USA
Student & Professional observers welcome

Canyon AFG
Wednesday 7:00 PM
First Nazarene Church
1700 8th Street, Lewiston, ID, 83535, USA
Use 17th Ave Entrance
Handicap Access

Turtle Wisdom AFG
Monday 3:00 PM
City of Worley Community Center
9936 W. E. Street, Worley, ID, 83876, USA
Student & Professional observers welcome
Handicap Access

Other In-Person Support Groups

While 12-step groups are certainly some of the most well-known and widely-available support groups in the world, that doesn’t mean that they’re the only option when it comes to tackling substance abuse.

Below are three of the most popular 12-step alternative groups today – SMART Recovery, Secular Organizations for Sobriety, and Moderation Management.

One of the most popular alternatives to 12-step groups like AA and NA, SMART Recovery is a science-based addiction support group that teaches empowerment in the face of addiction rather than powerlessness.

These meetings are locally held like 12-step groups but are led by a certified instructor rather than members themselves. The strategies and techniques taught in these programs also change along with new addiction research, so you can be sure you’re always getting the latest and most trusted information.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many SMART Recovery meetings within Idaho to choose from. And in fact, the closest one to Moscow, ID is about 70 miles away in Coeur d Alene. You can find information for that meeting in particular below. However, you can also find more meetings nearby using the SMART Recovery directory.

Meeting 4640
Wednesday 5:30PM to 6:30PM
This meeting is open to all.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
501 E Wallace Ave
Coeur d Alene, ID 83814
Meetings take place every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.

One of the biggest complaints when it comes to 12-step groups is that it has a “spiritual” aspect that may not appeal to everyone. It’s worth noting, however, that the official stance of 12-step groups is that they are open to everyone, no matter what beliefs they hold. But even still, the mere fact that these groups bring in any spiritual language into the recovery process may be off-putting for some people.

Secular Organizations for Sobriety, also known as S.O.S. is a direct response to that aspect of 12-step groups. This 12-step alternative takes a strictly non-spiritual approach to recovery while still incorporating some of the best aspects of groups like AA and NA (nonprofit, autonomous, local non-professional groups).

For some, a substance use problem may not have advanced all the way to a full-fledged addiction. And rather than practicing the full abstinence that other programs demand, some users may just need help controlling their use of legal drugs like alcohol rather than quitting it altogether.

That’s where Moderation Management (or MM) comes in. This support program helps individuals learn to regulate their drinking before it turns into a real problem.

Online Support Groups to Connect You to Others Suffering from Addiction

It's time to stop using a packed schedule or your shyness as an excuse. Support is available online for individuals who feel more comfortable in that setting. A wealth of information can be found on NA's website. There are also discussion boards for people looking for support during non-meeting times. Online addiction groups open up the door to 24/7 support that isn’t confined by geography or proximity. And for individuals who have a packed schedule, a social phobia, or a lack of reliable transportation, this can mean a world of difference when it comes to a successful recovery.

AA is able to help those who are unable to attend meetings in person. You can join AA groups online and utilize all of the resources they have to offer such as forums, chat rooms, and even phone groups. There are people here that are ready to help you beat your addiction. 

Below are some of the best online support groups for addiction, no matter when or where you decide you need help.

Choosing the Right Treatment Program

While support groups can be an essential part of any complete recovery plan, the overwhelming majority of chronic substance abusers are going to need a higher level of care. This is where a professional treatment program comes in.

A professional addiction treatment program connects addicts with proven strategies, treatments, and medications for kicking an addiction and staying safe along the way. And with the right program, it can be the most critical component of a successful recovery.

But choosing the right program can be tricky, especially when you don’t know the specific types of treatment. Below are the 4 most common types of programs along with a brief summary of their pros and cons.

Medical Detoxification – The first step of recovery, detox helps addicts get through the most uncomfortable and dangerous stage – withdrawal. During this stage, the body reacclimates to functioning without the help of the substance of abuse. And with a solid medical detox program, patients will be more comfortable, less likely to relapse, and ultimately more successful in their recovery efforts.

Inpatient Rehabilitation – Rehab is the critical next step after detox and addresses the behavioral side of addiction. Treatments in these programs involve counseling, group talk sessions, and behavioral therapies. 

An inpatient program typically lasts around 30 days and requires patients to stay on the campus grounds at all times. That means eating, sleeping, and treatment all take place within the facility. This allows for a higher level of care but also can be quite disruptive to daily life since going to work, attending classes, and fulfilling some family obligations may be impossible during this type of program.

Outpatient RehabOutpatient drug treatment options are an excellent alternative to inpatient treatment, and they can be just as effective from the right rehab facilities. These programs usually take place in the evenings several times a week over the course of several months. For people who work during the day, or who have small children at home, outpatient drug treatment offers them the opportunity to recover from their addictions without having to commit to an inpatient program.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOPs) – An IOP usually lasts for around the same amount of time as an outpatient program. However, treatment sessions are typically longer and occur more frequently throughout the week. It’s a higher level of care for people who just can’t afford to check into an inpatient program.

One of the most common reasons that struggling addicts don’t get the professional treatment they need is that they’re worried about the costs. In fact, the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that among the over 800 thousand Americans who knew they needed help, almost one-third of them didn’t receive it because they were concerned about the final price tag.

However, the surprising truth is that treatment is actually more affordable than it’s ever been. With sweeping new legislative changes, a myriad of helpful state-run support programs, and a range of financing options from individual treatment centers, substance abusers have so many more choices when it comes to funding their recovery than they had in the past. And when you factor in insurance, substance use treatment can end up costing little to nothing at all for some.

The problem comes from the fact that many struggling addicts don’t reach out to treatment facilities to discuss their options. Many programs may, for instance, offer sliding-scale payments based on individual income. And others may even provide financing through the facility itself.

On top of that, the overall costs of treatment pale in comparison to the cost of maintaining an addiction.

In the end, treatment of an addiction is often far more affordable than most people think. And when you compare it to the alternative, treatment is by far the more financially sound option.

Money doesn't have to stop you from finding and receiving the treatment you need. You can find information on how to get help paying for treatment at Don't let your financial situation keep you from getting your life back on track. If you have insurance but aren't sure what is covered, visit for information on the Affordable Care Act and links to other resources.

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act and a new law called the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, the majority of health insurance providers are now legally required to provide significant coverage for addiction treatment. And depending on an individual’s specific plan, they may even be covered for the full cost of treatment.

Private insurance, then, can end up being a major player in offsetting the total costs for treatment. Added to that, federally funded programs like Medicare and Medicaid are also required to help pay for treatment as well.

It’s worth noting, however, that individuals should always verify their insurance coverage with their treatment program before checking into a facility to avoid any surprises.

Unfortunately, there are not very many options for recovery centers nearby Moscow. And in fact, the closest facility is actually in Pullman and only addresses alcoholism, not any other type of substance addiction.

As a result, addicts in Moscow might feel like they don’t have any real options when it comes to treatment. However, making the choice to travel for treatment can actually be one of the best decisions someone struggling with substance abuse can make.

There are a couple of reasons behind this.

  1. It opens up the door to a higher quality of care. Confining options only to nearby facilities can limit the number of options and, consequently, the quality of the services provided.
  2. It can actually help solidify the commitment to treatment.
  3. Patients travelling don’t have to worry about the stigma surrounding addiction or the threat of running into someone they know in or outside of the program.
  4. It can help patients find the right program for them – a huge factor when it comes to the success of an individual’s recovery.

Closest Northpoint Facility

Northpoint is able to help you with all your addiction recovery needs. Give us a call today to find out all your options!

Our Closest Outpatient Location:

Our Closest Inpatient Location:

Ashwood Recovery

Ashwood Recovery: One of the Top Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers in Moscow, Idaho

There's no denying that there is a serious drug and alcohol addiction problem in Moscow, Idaho. Unfortunately, far too many people are struggling with addiction, and they're unaware that there's a way for them to recover. Many try to stop using for years on their own, only to be pushed further into their addictive behaviors.

Here at Ashwood Recovery, we've had the privilege of helping many people from Moscow, Idaho, and we've watched them overcome their addictions to drugs and alcohol. Our outpatient facility in Nampa is one of the best alcohol and drug treatment centers in the State of Idaho. And we maintain a strong commitment to providing our patients with an excellent level of care that will allow them to be successful.

If you would like more information about how Ashwood Recovery can help you, or someone you love, please contact us right away.

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