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Marijuana Addiction Treatment

You’ve been struggling with a marijuana addiction for the longest time; too long. You’ve seen the marijuana addiction signs and have come to the point where you know it’s time for you to think about finding treatment, but if you’ve never gone to rehab before, this can be a confusing time for you. Please rest assured that here at Ashwood Recovery, our goal is to help you understand exactly what you to look for when you’re searching for the best marijuana abuse rehab in Idaho. Our marijuana addiction treatment program is comprehensive and can help individuals address not just the physical aspects of dependency but also the psychological aspects.

Are You a Functioning Marijuana Addict?

When most people hear the word addiction, they conjure up specific images in their minds. They envision people on street corners selling their bodies for drugs. They may think of people pushing shopping carts down on the streets of their city’s worst neighborhoods. At most, they see people who cannot keep jobs and whose lives are in shambles.

The reality is that this is not an accurate portrait of what addiction truly is. The vast majority of addicts are those whom you would never suspect. They have jobs – many of them have excellent jobs – they make money, they own homes, and they appear to have their lives together. They’re known as functioning addicts or high-functioning addicts.

The problem with functioning addicts is that they often never see what’s wrong with their drug use. They use their success to justify it for as long as they can. They assume that because they’re successful in most areas of their lives, using marijuana shouldn’t be that big a deal. Many will hide it from their loved ones for as long as they can, and a lot of them will succeed.

It’s hard to say how many functioning marijuana addicts there are in our country. However, it’s probably safe to say that more than half could be considered high functioning. You may know many of them yourself. All you need to do is scan the Internet from some of the world’s most well-known celebrities.

Marijuana Rehab Should Have Flexible Options

At one point, drug rehab was considered a one-size-fits-all idea. Many facilities didn’t offer different options, and unfortunately, that meant that many people went without the type of drug treatment they needed. When you’re looking for a marijuana rehab in Boise, search for one that has plenty of options available. That way, you can find just what you are looking for. Flexibility is important, especially with busy schedules and family obligations. Now, you can find drug rehab facilities that offer:

  • Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab options
  • Outpatient drug and alcohol rehab options
  • Drug and alcohol detox facilities
  • 12 Step Programs
  • Various addiction and recovery support groups
  • Intensive outpatient alcohol and drug rehab programs

Marijuana Treatment in Idaho Should Assist You Financially

One of the first questions people ask when looking for information about substance abuse treatment is, how much does it cost? Any marijuana rehab you’re considering should be willing to go the extra mile for you regarding getting benefits information from your insurance company and figuring out your out-of-pocket expenses. The more information and help you can get from them, the better your entire drug rehab experience will be.

Discover How Ashwood Recovery's Marijuana Addiction Treatment Can Provide the Support Necessary

Every drug rehab is different when it comes to rules and regulations. You should be able to find out everything you need to know and have your questions answered before you even arrive. When it comes to outpatient treatment, you need to know how long your sessions will be and how often you will be expected to attend. Finding the best marijuana abuse rehab in Idaho involves finding one that will give you an excellent idea about what you can expect.

Here at Ashwood Recovery, we provide an outpatient drug rehab program tailored to your specific needs. It will include individual counseling and group sessions to give you a more comprehensive form of addiction treatment. If you need marijuana rehab in Boise, Idaho, we can help you. Please contact us today by calling 888.341.3607.Â