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Outpatient Addiction Treatment in Boise: Is it the right fit for you?

Why do people avoid addiction treatment?

What is stopping you, or someone you love, from seeking out addiction treatment in Boise, ID? Many people are intimidated by addiction treatment programs, both because of the cost and supposed social stigma associated with them. Some of the most cited reasons for not going to rehabilitation is either because people say they do not have the time or money to seek out treatment or because they do not want other people knowing that they are in a recovery program. The image of ‘rehab’ that many have in their mind is an institution-like setting that removes you from the rest of life. While there may be a time and place for resident rehab, living in a facility is certainly not a requirement for recovery. If you are seeking outpatient addiction treatment in Boise, there are options for you. Outpatient addiction treatment helps those who struggle from drug addiction and alcoholism through specific programs and with the close attention of trained staff.

What is Outpatient Addiction Treatment?

Similar to other forms of medical treatment, outpatient addiction treatment essentially offers the care for those who do not, or an unable to, stay in the care facility. More specifically, outpatient care for addiction provides the services, resources, and counseling necessary for the recovery process without requiring the patient to stay in the treatment facility. In simple terms, outpatient addiction treatment is the same detoxification process without staying at the treatment facility. This is the major difference between inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment, though the model of treatment may vary as well. Outpatient programs most commonly focus on various forms of therapy. For instance, cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients recognize unhealthy thoughts and behaviors as they relate to their drug or alcohol abuse. A more direct approach is contingency management, which provides positive reinforcement for reaching recovery goals and avoiding relapse. According to the National Institute for Drug Abuse, outpatient treatment can vary both in intensity and in addiction treatment available: “Outpatient models, such as intensive day treatment, can be comparable to residential programs in services and effectiveness, depending on the individual patient’s characteristics and needs.” More than that, many outpatient addiction treatment programs are also aimed at simultaneously treating patients with either medical or mental health problems, an addiction to their alcohol or drug addiction. Finding outpatient addiction treatment in Boise, then, may be a great option for those in the Idaho area. But is outpatient addiction treatment the right fit for you?

Is It Right for Me? The Pros and Cons of Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Clearly, outpatient addiction treatment can be an effective means of starting out recovery on the right foot. That said, there is no right or wrong way of going about addiction treatment – outpatient or inpatient – as long as treatment is being sought out. However, outpatient addiction treatment works better for some than for others. Similarly, some will find that they benefit more from a residential detox program than by participating in a treatment program as an outpatient. To get an idea of where you stand, you should consider both the benefits and potential drawbacks of outpatient addiction treatment in Boise to assess whether or not it is the right fit for you. The “Pros” The benefits of participating in outpatient addiction treatment in Boise may not apply to everyone, but they include:

  • The ability to work around your existing daily life to avoid interruption
  • You remain in your real life setting, which means you can start implementing what you learn in treatment immediately
  • Outpatient treatment is less expensive than residential detox models and can be covered by insurance, so it is generally more affordable
  • Many outpatient addiction treatment programs include sessions with family; these can increase understanding in those you love and expand your support base
  • This approach offers more confidentiality since there is no need to explain absences from work or school

The “Cons” Outpatient addiction treatment is not for everyone, so you should consider your options carefully. Some of the potential drawbacks of participating in outpatient addiction treatment in Idaho include:

  • The treatment does not remove you from outside influences, triggers and distractions
  • You have more limited access to both your counselor and others participating in the program
  • There is generally less accountability, as it is easier to avoid outpatient appointments
  • You may continue to have access to drugs and/or alcohol

Outpatient Addiction Treatment Options in Boise

Even with both the ‘pros’ and ‘con’s in mind, it is important to realize that this approach is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, outpatient addiction treatment in Boise and the surrounding area can take a variety of forms depending on the need of the individual. For instance, intensive outpatient programs bring people in for 2-4 hours per day several days a week and are effective in the early stages of recovery. Later on, outpatient treatment also includes therapy and counseling, which helps individuals develop coping skills for follow-up support. Either way, outpatient addiction treatment can be an effective way for people to continue in their day-to-day life while tackling their disease head-on.