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What Purpose Does Non-Alcoholic Beer Have?

People asking each other, "What purpose does non-alcoholic beer have?"

What purpose does non-alcoholic (NA) beer have? Some ask why it even exists. Others wonder how non-alcoholic beer can have any benefits. For those struggling with alcohol addiction—which includes many millions in the United States alone—the question may be: Can drinking non-alcoholic beer during recovery give me a replacement for the alcoholic beverages that have caused me many health and personal issues for years on end? Contact Ashwood Recovery online or by calling 888.341.3607 today to learn more about NA beer and our alcohol addiction treatment in Idaho.

What to Know About Non-Alcoholic Beer

Non-alcoholic beer, as defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is a beer that contains less than 0.5% alcohol by volume (ABV). This rule dates back to the days of Prohibition in the United States. For a company to earn the ability to label their product non-alcoholic, they must submit their product’s recipe and formula for review before sending the product off to a lab for testing. If they pass, they can then begin selling their non-alcoholic product to consumers.

The process of creating NA beverages can vary, and the method can determine how much alcohol remains in the product. The most common methods for creating NA beer include the following:

  • Removing the alcohol through a vacuum, reverse osmosis, or heat
  • Halting the fermentation process before it converts all the sugar into alcohol
  • Straining out the alcohol before bottling

For most general beers made in the United States, one bottle or can of beer will contain anywhere from 4% to 8% ABV. Simple math finds it would take eight to 16 NA beers to reach the amount of alcohol consumed by drinking one standard alcoholic beer.

Can You Buy NA Beer in Idaho?

A big question about non-alcoholic beer comes from those under the age of 21. In most states, because federal law says anything under 0.5% ABV is technically non-alcoholic, you are allowed to buy non-alcoholic beverages under the age of 21. However, in a few states, including Idaho, purchasing non-alcoholic beer isn’t legal for someone under 21.

Does NA Beer Dehydrate the Body?

It depends on the amount of alcohol in the drink. Many believe that NA beers can actually rehydrate you after physical activity. Alcoholic beers dehydrate you because of their diuretic effect or increased urination.

Will NA Beer Show up on a Urine Test?

Yes. While NA beer is considered non-alcoholic in the United States if it has less than 0.5% alcohol per serving, there are trace amounts of alcohol in the beverages. There are instances of it going both undetected and detected in urine tests.

Does the Taste of NA Beer Curb the Craving?

The taste and even the smell of NA beer resemble regular beer so closely that addiction treatment experts recommend avoiding it. The main reasons those in recovery are advised not to drink NA beer are the following:

  • Non-alcoholic beer still contains trace amounts of alcohol – Even beers that advertise 0.0% alcohol have trace amounts. In recovery, even this tiny amount of alcohol can derail your journey.
  • The taste of non-alcoholic beer, or even the smell, can trigger euphoric recall – Euphoric recall is when a person in recovery has memories of the “good times” a substance provided but doesn’t consider their entire journey that includes the negative aspects of the substance use.

In the end, your mind and body are not craving the beer. They’re craving the alcohol that’s in the beer. Consuming NA beer could very well be one of the triggers you’re taught to avoid in alcohol addiction treatment. Grabbing an NA beverage can be a slippery slope that leads to a full-blown relapse.

Get in Touch with Ashwood Recovery and Ask About Our Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment Program

If you’re about to pick up a non-alcoholic beer to help your cravings, think twice. Instead, contact Ashwood Recovery online or at 888.341.3607 today to seek treatment.