Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, works to put people back in control of their lives with its famous 12-step program. All you need to join is the desire to be free of alcohol addiction.. Also, consider an addiction assessment if you suspect you might be addicted, so you can start getting the treatment you need.
AA Meetings in or near Lewiston Orchards
10:30 am
Clearwater Canyon Group
Lenore Community Center, Hwy 12
Lenore, ID
3:00 pm
Sunday Sunsetters,
235 Johnson Ave.
The Drop In Center
Orofino, ID
7:00 pm
Joker’s Wild-Young People’s Meeting
Alano Club, 1435 Elm St.
Clarkston, ID
12:00 noon
Green Mountain Group
12x12 Study, Presbyterian Church,
Hill & 7th St.
Kamiah, ID
5:45 pm
Grassroots Group
First Baptist Church,
812 8th Street
Lewiston, ID
6:30 pm
The Supper Club
Methodist Church,
337 College Ave
Orofino, ID
7:00 pm
Deary AA Group - Book Study
Deary Community Center,
Hwy 8 and Line St.
Deary, ID
6:30 am
First Baptist Church Annex,
812 8th Street
Lewiston, ID
7:00 pm
“Good Orderly Direction”
Life Center
2377 Appleside Blvd
Clarkston, ID
8:00 pm
Kendrick Group G
range Hall
614 East Main St
Kendrick, ID
6:00 pm
Orofino Gals at the Methodist Church
Women’s Only
337 College St
Orofino, ID
7:00 pm
Ya-Ya Sisters of Recovery
Alano Club
1435 Elm Street
Clarkston, ID
7:30 pm
Asotin Group
United Methodist Church
313 2nd St.
Asotin, ID
Last Wed. of month “Open” for Birthday Night
6:30 am
First Baptist Church
Annex, 812 8th Street
Lewiston, ID
4:00 pm
Christian Church
307 4th St.
Nezperce, ID
5:45 pm
First Baptist Church Annex,
812 8th Street
Lewiston, ID
6:30 pm
Green Mountain Group
Big Book Study,
Presbyterian Church,
Hill & 7th St.
Kamiah, ID
7:00 pm
Cottonwood AA Group,
606 King St.
K of C Hall (down the street from St. Maries Church)
Cottonwood, Id
4:30 pm
Lunch Bunch
Orofino Drop-in Center
235 Johnson Ave.
Orofino, ID
7:00 pm
Good Orderly Direction
Crosspoint Alliance Church
1330 Powers Ave.
Lewiston, ID
8:00 pm
Kendrick Group
Grange Hall
614 E Main St.
Kendrick, ID
1 st Friday-Birthday Night for previous month
10:00 pm
Happy Hour Group Candlelight
Alano Club
1435 Elm St.
Clarkston, ID
6:30 am
Asotin Group “Up For Sobriety”
Lewis & Clark Alano Club
1435 Elm St
Asotin, ID
9:00 am
Sober Veterans
Idaho State Veteran’s Home
821 21st Ave
Lewiston, ID
11:00 am
As Bill Sees It
235 Johnson Ave.
Orofino, ID
6:30 pm
Green Mountain Group
Presbyterian Church
Hill and 7th St
Kamiah, ID
10:00 pm
Happy Hour Group
Alano Club
1435 Elm St
Clarkston, ID