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Idaho Drug Rehab for Ecstasy Addiction and Abuse

The Truth About Ecstasy Abuse, Addiction and the Best Treatment in Idaho

Ecstasy addiction and abuse continues to be a problem in Idaho, and many people are drawn to the party drug.

These individuals often do not realize the dangers of getting addicted, or that rehab can help them. Over time, and as they continue to use, they often find that it becomes harder and harder to stop. This is a helpless place for a lot of people who feel like they do not have any other options.

Ecstasy has been known as a rave drug for a few decades now. Because of its reputation for being a party enhancer, people assume that it is safe. What they do not realize is that this is one of the more dangerous drugs they could take. This is particularly true when people mix it with other substances, such as alcohol.

More people need to be made aware of the dangers of Ecstasy. The risks are undeniable, and once people are addicted, it is so hard to get off this drug. Fortunately, going to a quality rehab program can help, and Idaho has some great options.

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Where Did Molly Originate From?

On the street, MDMA might go by a number of different names, like: Ecstasy, Molly, X, XTC, E, Eve, Lover's Speed, Hug (or Hug Drug), Scooby Snacks, Snowball, Love Drug (or Love Pill), and California Sunrise. 

The fact is that it's a dangerous drug that people often underestimate. In fact, even those who use it recreationally on a sporadic basis could be putting their lives at risk. Read on to learn the truth about MDMA.

Molly has been around for more than 100 years, which is surprising to most people. It was first created in 1912, under the name Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA, for short. A chemist from Merck Pharmaceuticals was responsible for synthesizing it. During that time, the goal was to find a drug that could help stop abnormal bleeding issues.

Other researchers used the basic formula for the drug to do their own research and studies. In the 1970s it was used as a way to improve psychotherapy sessions. It became a popular street drug in the 1980s. By that time, a lot of information began circulating about its abuse potential. In May of 1985, MDMA received emergency classification as a Schedule I drug.

It's difficult to say what its ingredients are. They tend to vary from pill to pill. A dose of Ecstasy may contain any combination of the following in addition to MDMA:

  • Amphetamines
  • LSD (acid)
  • Ephedrine
  • Ketamine
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Aspirin
  • Atropine
  • 4-MTA
  • DXM

The only way to really know what this drug contains is to conduct a test to find out. Of course, that's something people looking for the Ecstasy high don't do. This one of the main reasons this drug is considered to be so dangerous.

People often wonder about Molly vs. Ecstasy, and what the difference is between them. Online drug forums like Bluelight and Reddit are quite clear. When MDMA is in pill form, it is called Ecstasy. When it comes in a powder capsule, it is referred to as Molly. Also, Ecstasy is generally made with active ingredients. Molly is usually made with inactive ingredients.

Both of these forms contain the drug MDMA, and both can be cut with other substances as well. Some believe that the capsules may hit harder and faster. This is due to the time it takes for the stomach to dissolve the pills.

What's so Bad About MDMA Abuse?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, MDMA abuse is dangerous. Because of its classification, even one use of it is considered to be abuse. It is most popular in nightclubs, raves and other party scenes.

MDMA is popular in many kind of parties

Chemically, this drug is very similar to both hallucinogenic drugs and stimulants. It makes people feel more energetic while distorting time and sensory perception. Most people think that it's non-habit forming, and they use it just for fun. However, it can produce dangerous side effects even after just one use.

Abusing Ecstasy is Harmless...Right?

One of the problems with Ecstasy is that one can never really be certain what's in it. Dealers cut the MDMA drug with all different types of substances. Getting too high a dose can even prove to be fatal. Also, if other drugs are taken along with it, the effects are enhanced. Typically, marijuana or alcohol are consumed with Ecstasy at the same time.

There are serious health risks associated with this drug. Of course, these are risks that most people don't take into account before using it. Even the most seasoned users of MDMA rarely know what can happen and the dangers involved.

How Common is Ecstasy in Idaho?

According to an article on the Idaho Statesman website, Ecstasy is a lot more common in Idaho than most people think. In fact, a lot of parents may have teenagers who have experimented with it, but they are none the wiser.

This point is proven when they interviewed a teen from the Nampa area who had tried the drug. She was at a house party and someone offered it to her. She did not know what it was, and was not sure what it might do to her. But she took it anyway. Her response sums up what the Ecstasy high is like. She stated:

“It was kind of the most amazing feeling I’ve ever felt before, honestly. Anybody who passed me, or brushed up against me, I don’t know how to describe it…”

It is that feeling that compels people to keep coming back for more of the Ecstasy experience.

In 2014, Idaho’s Youth Prevention Survey showed that around 13% of high school seniors had experimented with hard drugs. Ecstasy was on that list, along with cocaine, heroin and meth. While it is clear that the problem is not just with Ecstasy, this drug is often not as pure as people think.

According to the latest Monitoring the Future Survey, Ecstasy use among younger students has gone down. But it still remains prevalent among older students. They report that:

  • In 2010, 2.4% of 8th graders reported using Ecstasy at least one time.
  • By 2014, that number had gone down to just 0.9%.
  • The highest number of 10th graders using this drug was 6.2% in 2001.
  • But by 2014, that number had gone down to 2.3%.
  • For high school seniors, the highest number was 9.2% in 2001.
  • This number was down to 3.6% by 2015.

Understanding the Dangers of the Molly Drug

Using Molly seems to be a fun way to pass an evening of dancing at a club or rave. However, please don't overlook this drug's serious effects. So many adverse effects have been reported from people who claim they simply didn't know what could happen.

The MDMA Drug's Effects

Two of the more serious physical health risks associated with MDMA are dehydration and hyperthermia. Sometimes people who know of the risk of dehydration will overcompensate by drinking excessive amounts of water. This can lead to a dangerously low sodium level in the blood, which can be life threatening.

There are also other side effects of Ecstasy that you should know about, both in the short and long-term.

The short-term side effects of this drug can occur even after just one use of it. They include:

  • Clenching and grinding of the teeth
  • Bouts of insomnia
  • Increased sweating
  • An increase in heart rate
  • An increase in blood pressure
  • Stomach problems, including diarrhea, nausea and vomiting
  • A loss of appetite

There are even some individuals who have reported experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations. However, these reports are rare.

The long-term effects that Molly can have are varied, based on a few different factors. Generally, people tend to increase their dosage amounts when they use drugs for a long time. With higher doses of this substance, serious brain problems can result.

Research has shown that some of the long-term effects of MDMA include:

  • The risk of brain lesions, which is a form of brain damage
  • Problems with thought and memory
  • Permanent damage to parts of the brain that control sleep, emotions and learning
  • Degenerated nerve endings and branches
  • The onset of depression
  • Symptoms of anxiety
  • The onset of psychosis
  • The risk of kidney damage
  • The risk of cardiovascular collapse
  • Hemorrhaging in the brain
  • The possibility of death

As you can see, using this drug long-term certainly isn't worth the brief euphoria it produces. Even so, people continue to use it, and will continue for years to come.

The Molly hangover is very real. What's interesting is that this drug makes people feel like they have no social barriers. They're able to talk to everyone and anyone like they're best friends. This feeling of freedom can last for several hours, and then the fallout begins.

Symptoms of a Molly Hangover include:

  • The onset of hallucinations in some users
  • Problems sleeping, at first
  • Extreme fatigue that can last for up to a week
  • The onset of mild depression, which is often called the "Ecstasy Blues"
  • Becoming dehydrated

Recovering from just one use of this drug is difficult, but it can also be deadly. It's possible to have a heart attack or a stroke during the recovery period. In fact, many Molly addiction stories online include tales of people who have died.

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Can You Get Addicted to MDMA, and How Addictive is it?

Research tells us that the same neurotransmitters that Molly targets are similar to those targeted by other drugs. It's a substance that increases dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. In fact, it's been proven that even once off Molly, normal levels may never be achieved again. This suggests that the drug is addictive. Some experts even believe that it might be possible to form addictions after just one use. This demonstrates how quickly MDMA can impact the brain.

Of course, there are other studies that indicate that it might not be physically addictive. However, many of the drugs that it is often cut with have physically addictive properties.

Even if MDMA isn't physically addictive, its psychological component cannot be ignored. Any drug can become psychologically addictive, and the risk of that happening with this one is evident.

Symptoms of Molly Addiction to Look for

Sometimes people just don't know if they've formed a drug addiction or not. That might be how you feel right now. Maybe you've been an avid Ecstasy user for quite some time. However, you don't really think you have an addiction to it.

Typically, addicts believe that they can stop using a drug at any time without any issues. Unfortunately, that's not the case, and most addicts are in denial that they have a problem. It may help to know what the signs of Molly addiction are, which include:

  • Not feeling normal or like yourself unless you've taken Ecstasy
  • Experiencing disruptions in your life because of your need for it
  • Having cravings for this substance
  • Making excuses about why you need to continue to use
  • Making the drug the most important priority in your life
  • Being unable to stop using it when you attempt to

You could also be addicted if you notice any of the effects of regular MDMA use, which are:

  • Heart disease
  • Symptoms of depression
  • Problems with concentration
  • No appetite
  • Problems with sleeping well
  • Issues with impulsivity control

How to Find Out if You're an Addict

It's very important for you to find out if you're addicted or not. You can do this in a few different ways. You can start by looking for some of the signs of addiction, as listed above. If that doesn't help you, it may be time to take additional steps.

You may want to consider taking an addiction quiz like this one. Taking a quiz can help you see your drug use patterns a little bit differently. At the end of the quiz, you'll also get a recommendation for what you should do next.

It's also possible that you're someone who would just rather talk with a professional in the addiction treatment field. This is a really good idea because you can explain your drug use history in detail. Many rehabs and treatment centers offer free phone assessments for this purpose.

No matter which method you choose, it's important for you to act quickly. You've seen how dangerous Ecstasy is. With every use of it, you're taking your life in your hands. Acting now could potentially save your life.

Quitting Ecstasy as an Abuser

MDMA abusers tend to think that they can continue using the drug for a long time without consequences. Please know that this simply isn't the case. If you're not addicted now, you could easily become addicted to MDMA with your next use of it.

You may not be at the point where you absolutely need to go to Ecstasy treatment in order to recover. However, you do need to stop using. What's more, you would definitely benefit from going to talk with a counselor about your substance abuse problem.

There must be a reason why you started using this substance. It could be that you are suffering from a co-occurring disorder and it's a way of self-medicating. Or, there could be some other reason. Regardless, you need to find out what the core issue is, and counseling will help you do that.

Recovering from an MDMA Addiction

If you're an addict, you will be diagnosed with what's known as an MDMA use disorder. Treatment for this condition is largely composed of addiction therapy in a drug rehab setting.

You may be exposed to cognitive behavioral therapy during your treatment. This will help to change the way you think. It will also work to alter your behavior patterns. You'll learn how to cope with stress in your life, and how to live without this drug regularly.

Professional treatment is essential for a successful recovery, long-term. Without it, you are at risk for a relapse because of the severity of withdrawal.

Once you stop taking Molly, you'll find that withdrawal will begin shortly thereafter. The symptoms you experience are largely due to the decrease of serotonin in your brain.

Some of the signs of MDMA withdrawal include:

  • The onset of anxiety and depression
  • Mental confusion and brain fog
  • Intense cravings for the drug
  • Occasional delusions and hallucinations in some people
  • Mental and physical exhaustion
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Problems with your memory
  • Feeling paranoid
  • The onset of psychosis

These side effects make it extremely hard to recover without professional support. In a drug rehab, you'll get the help you need to deal with your symptoms. It may even be possible to decrease their severity through therapy, or in some cases, with medications.

It is absolutely possible to overdose on this drug, and many people do. Some will do so unknowingly because they received a dose that was too high for them. However, the majority of people will overdose when they relapse after trying to quit.

According to Poison Control, the symptoms of Ecstasy overdose are easy to identify. They can include:

  • Developing a high fever
  • Quickly becoming dehydrated
  • Having a faster heart rate than normal
  • Confusion and memory problems
  • The onset of hallucinations

These symptoms are not going to go away with time. An overdose of this drug is deadly, and immediate medical help is needed.

Getting Treatment for Your Addiction Can Help With Recovery

There are so many benefits to getting professional MDMA treatment. You'll find that in a rehab setting, you'll experience:

  • The benefit of the professional knowledge that will be shared with you regarding recovery.
  • Being able to meet others who are on their own recovery journeys themselves.
  • What it's like to live your life without being reliant on a drug to get through the day.
  • How to manage your withdrawal symptoms successfully.
  • How you can experience success in your recovery long-term.

Opting for Drug Treatment in Idaho

Stopping the use of Ecstasy can be so difficult, and it is not something anyone should attempt on their own. Once a person is addicted to this drug, the best option is to get professional addiction treatment.

Idaho offers many choices for people who are searching for the best drug treatment services. When people agree to get professional help, they are giving themselves the best possible chance of a successful recovery.

Going to drug rehab offers patients the ability to learn what drove them to use this drug in the first place. It allows them to see the connection between their circumstances and their substance abuse patterns. Also, this is the time to work on what caused their addictions so they can heal properly.

Some people who are addicted to Ecstasy will need to go through detox because of their withdrawal symptoms. Both the physical and mental symptoms can become very severe and hard to manage without professional support.

Detoxing the body helps it rid itself of the toxins that are present because of Ecstasy. In getting the proper treatment, people often find that their withdrawals are drastically minimized.

But not everyone experiences terrible withdrawal, and every person is different. The right decision will be made by the treatment team on an individual basis.

Our Outpatient Drug Rehab Program in Idaho

At Ashwood Recovery, our team of professionals is ready and waiting to provide people with the help they need. We have an excellent outpatient rehab program that offers several services. Our clients are recommended for one of our three levels of care. They are intensive outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization and traditional outpatient rehab.

Every client we work with has their own addiction story. They all have situations and challenges that are unique to them. That means that they deserve an approach to treatment that meets their needs in a more personalized way. Our clients each receive their own treatment plans so that we can make sure this is done.

We have a location at Ashwood Recovery. We are located in Boise. That makes it convenient for people to get the help they need close to home.

Ecstasy Addiction and Abuse: Start Your Idaho Drug Treatment Program Today

At Ashwood Recovery, nothing is as important to us as our clients’ success. We participate with many health insurance plans, including Blue Cross of Idaho. We want people to know that we are here to provide them with the support they need.

Do you have questions about Ecstasy abuse and addiction? Are you considering finding a quality rehab program to help you recover? Please contact us today.

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