Boise Alcohol Treatment and Drug Rehab in Idaho
Boise, Idaho based Ashwood Recovery offers assistance to drug and alcohol addicts in Boise, Meridian, Caldwell, Middleton, and surrounding areas. We also extend our exclusive, research-backed program to addicts across the United States, and have even treated international visitors who come to us for our first-rate services and compassionate approach to moving beyond the pain of addiction. Ashwood is there for you when the going gets tough. We've seen the hard cases, and we know that you can recover, no matter how hard the journey seems right now. Let us help you.
Addiction's Impact on Idaho
In 2009, a little more than 6,500 Idaho residents pursued drug and alcohol rehab, and the figure increases slightly each year. Of course, for every addict who pursues rehab, there are a handful more who opt not to. The consequences for life in Idaho are often disastrous. Idaho received a grade of 50% on the Trust for America's Health report card. This “report card” measures the efforts a state has taken to rein in the disease of addiction, and Idaho clearly has much work to do. Mental Health America ranks Idaho 42nd nationwide in quality and accessibility of mental health care, and 97,000 Idaho residents struggle with drug addiction alone each year.
The effects are immediately noticeable. About 15% of Idaho residents have an alcohol addiction, and alcohol-related impairment accounts for more than half of the state's auto accident fatalities. More than 30% of drug overdoses are due to prescription and legal drugs, with more than half of all drug-related emergency room visits stemming from prescription drugs. Drugs land thousands of Idahoans in the hospital each year, with drug overdose accounting for a stunning 10% of all emergency room visits – outpacing heart attacks, infections, and catastrophic injuries.
It's not just addicts who suffer at the hands of drugs and alcohol, though. Addiction is a disease that can decimate an entire family. And the effects don't end there, either. Every year, addiction costs the U.S. economy nearly $500 billion. Some of the myriad ways in which addiction harms your loved ones and the larger society include:
- Increasing violence. Many addicts behave violently while under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Ninety percent of acquaintance rapes occur while under the influence of alcohol, for example. Others are willing to break the law – by stealing or hurting others – to gain access to drugs or alcohol.
- Juvenile delinquency. Drugs and alcohol are a leading cause of juvenile delinquency, but not just when kids become addicts. Parents and family members who develop addictions may neglect their children, leading to truancy, difficulties with peers, and a host of other challenges. Research suggests that the children of addicts are significantly more likely to become addicts themselves, and this isn't just because of genetics, but also because of neglect and stress.
- Decreased economic productivity and viability. Many addicts can't or won't work. Eventually, almost all addicts reach a point where the disease of addiction feels more important than pursuing a career. This, in turn, can lead to the need for welfare and other forms of government assistance.
- Unsafe roads. Drugs and alcohol play a significant role in many auto accidents.
- Mental health issues. The anxiety and stress of constantly dealing with an addict – wondering when or if he or she will come home, putting up with emotional abuse, bailing the addict out of jail and other frightening situations – can exact a massive toll from loved ones. Many end up with depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses, and almost all people who love an addict report a decline in mental health.
You may no longer care about yourself, but this doesn't give you the right not to care for those whom your addiction hurts. Ashwood wants to help you put the pieces back together so you can live a better life, put the pieces of broken relationships back together, and finally move beyond the pain of addiction.
Understanding Drug Dependency and Alcohol Addiction in Idaho
In television and movies, addicts are frequently portrayed as selfish people interested only in the dogged pursuit of their next high. And given the pain addiction causes addicts and those who love them, it's understandable to – at first blush – write addiction off as a choice. It is anything but. Drug and alcohol addiction is a real disease listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, recognized by the World Health Organization and other health care advocacy groups, and routinely treated by doctors. You cannot choose to have a disease, and no one would willingly choose to suffer the pain of addiction.
So what causes an addict to transition from the occasional glass of wine or joint to compulsive use, theft, breaking the law, and giving up everything for his or her next fix? Addiction, like most serious illnesses, is a chronic and progressive illness that gets worse with time. When you first begin using drugs and alcohol, your body changes the way it responds to these drugs in an attempt to protect you. Over time, you may find that the high you get isn't as strong as it once was – a process known as chemical tolerance. This tolerance can happen quickly, and when it does, addiction is typically just around the corner.
As your tolerance builds, you may respond by using larger quantities than you once did. Though you don't feel as high, these larger doses of drugs and alcohol still change your biochemistry. Indeed, some addicts accidentally overdose as they chase that much-mythologized first high. For those who aren't unlucky enough to overdose, though, the consequence of progressively increasing the dose is still pretty dire. As you use more and more drugs and alcohol, your body begins nurturing a chemical dependence. This dependency not only convinces you that you need drugs and alcohol to feel normal; it also causes your body to react harshly when you try to quit.
Common symptoms of withdrawal after you have a tolerance include nausea, vomiting, nightmares, tremors, cold sweats, depression, anxiety, aggression, and a feeling that something is crawling on your skin. These symptoms are a strong disincentive for many addicts to quit. And for some addicts, withdrawal can even turn deadly. Opioid addicts are vulnerable to dehydration, seizures, and comas. Alcoholics can suffer a life-threatening condition called delirium tremens. No matter what drug you're addicted to, prolonged use greatly increases your chances of painful and potentially lethal withdrawal. If you're ready to quit, then, you need medical assistance from a siled rehab facility. Ashwood Recovery offers you the help you need to detox as painlessly as possible.
How Can I Tell if I Am an Addict and Need Drug Treatment in Idaho?
If you're worried you're an addict, your worries are strong indication that you may indeed be addicted to drugs or alcohol. The clinical definition of drug and alcohol addiction is chemical dependency, so if you experience psychological or physical withdrawal when you try to quit, you almost certainly have an addiction.
Unsure whether you're chemically dependent? Ask yourself the following questions. If you find yourself nodding in agreement with more than two or three, you probably are an addict:
- Have loved ones asked you to quit using drugs or alcohol?
- Do you do things you regret, such as yelling at your kids or spending too much money, while under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
- Do you lie to yourself or to others about your reliance on alcohol or drugs?
- Do you fake medical symptoms to gain access to prescription drugs?
- Do you engage in doctor-shopping to get addictive prescription drugs?
- Do you drink more than two alcoholic beverages per day?
- Do you combine drugs (including prescription drugs) and alcohol?
- Do you ever have trouble remembering what you said or did while under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
- Have you tried to quit, but found the pain of doing so is just too great?
- Do you plan your day according to your drug and alcohol use?
- Do you endanger yourself or others because of drugs or alcohol, such as by driving under the influence or allowing a drug dealer into your home?
- Have you experienced health problems due to your drug or alcohol use?
- Do you worry you won't feel normal or be able to be yourself without alcohol or drugs?
- Have you given up things you loved to continue using drugs or alcohol?
- Have you been arrested due to alcohol or drugs?
- Have your relationships suffered, or have you lost a relationship, because of alcohol or drugs?
- Do you worry that you'll never be able to quit using drugs or alcohol?
- Do you abuse prescription pills for which you once had a legal prescription?
- Do you rely on drugs or alcohol to mitigate the effects of mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression?
- Do you use alcohol or drugs to cope with the pain of health problems?
It's irrelevant whether you have a few symptoms or many. No matter how you feel now, you will continue to feel worse until your addiction is treated. Addiction will not go away on its own, but your addiction will get worse over time. Seeking treatment now is the best thing you can do for your health. Ashwood can help you devise and implement a personalized plan for your long-term sobriety.
What Are My Options for Addiction Treatment in Idaho?
Treating addiction is, in many ways, a process of trial and error. Research suggests that between 40% and 60% of addicts relapse with their first quit. And though a relapse might be demoralizing, it's also a chance to learn more about your addiction so that you can be more successful with your next quit attempt.
If you want to maximize your chances of success and minimize your chances of a painful relapse, though, inpatient rehab is your very best bet. While in rehab, you will gain access to numerous services that can help you get closer to sobriety. If you prefer to go it alone, you can also pursue these services on your own, but a good Boise drug rehab offers an escape from life at home, not to mention easy communication between all of your providers. While in our Boise drug rehab, you'll have access to:
- Detox services in Idaho – Depending on how long you've been an addict, which drugs you use, and your health status, you may need medical assistance navigating the detox process. Your doctor might prescribe drugs that can reduce the severity of detox, or may monitor you and treat any symptoms you experience. If your physician determines that detox is safe for you, you'll go through detox in a safe and supportive environment.
- Medical care – Addiction is a disease, not a personal choice. This means that your continued use of drugs and alcohol will almost inevitably affect your health. A physician can help determine the extent of the effects, while offering options for managing any short or long-term health effects of addiction. If you suffer from an illness that necessitates regular medication, your doctor can help you find less addictive drugs. For instance, people with ADHD don't have to take stimulant drugs; non-stimulant treatments, which are far less addictive, are effective and readily available.
- Therapy – You didn't just wake up one day and decide to become an addict. There's a story behind your decision to use drugs and alcohol, and your therapist will work with you to share that story. Through understanding your reasons for addiction, you can better learn how to manage your cravings and resist future temptation.
- Group support – Sometimes there's no substitute for someone who's been where you are now. 12-step programs such as Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous offer you fellowship with addicts who can offer you wisdom, support, and plenty of compassion. In rehab, you'll be around other addicts almost all the time, which means you'll have ready access to a sympathetic ear when you find yourself struggling to maintain your sobriety.
- Enrichment activities – Addiction takes up quite a bit of your time, so to get sober, you'll need to find something healthier with which to replace your addiction. In rehab, there will be plenty of activities and classes, and taking advantage of these opportunities can help distract you from your ongoing desire to use.
Why Should I Choose Ashwood for Alchol Rehab or Drug Treatment in Idaho?
At Ashwood Recovery, we know that every addict has a story, and we want to hear yours. You're an individual, not a generic addict or a number, and we never stop treating our residents like the unique individuals they are (including EMDR Therapy if needed). We'll work with you to develop and implement a customized plan for your long-term sobriety. And if that plan doesn't work or feels unmanageable, we'll continue to tweak it until we get things right.
We know that addiction is a lifestyle disease, and that your addiction has touched many people you love. We also know that your addiction may have sidelined some of your most cherished hopes and dreams. We'll work with you to uncover a new path to these goals. Recovery is about much more than sobriety. It's also about seeing you thrive, helping you nurture a life you can love, and enabling you to put the pieces of shattered relationships back together. We want to see you thrive in every area of your life.
We know admitting you need help isn't always easy, but this is precisely what makes doing so an act of deep and profound courage. We honor your courageous decision by offering you compassionate care. We challenge you to do better, and we never hesitate to question you if we think you're making dangerous choices. But we also know that fighting addiction is intensely challenging, and we'll be there for you – offering encouragement, support, and plenty of hope – when the going gets tough.
You didn't choose to be an addict, but you and you alone are charged with choosing what to do next. When you call us, we can offer you relief by taking over the efforts to get you sober. Don't do it alone. Les us walk alongside you as you embark on this challenging and rewarding journey. If you're ready to get better, we're ready to help. Call Ashwood today!
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