Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, has been helping people recover from alcohol addiction since 1935. AA is credited with putting millions of people back in control of their lives. All that’s needed to join is a desire to be free of an alcohol addiction. The 12-step program at AA has been working for decades.
To get a better idea of what to expect in a local AA meeting, check out the AA preamble from the Idaho Area 18 AA webpage:
“Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.”
Consider taking a look at the list of local AA meetings in the Ammon area below:
Spiritual Breakfast Meeting
8:30 AM
Dixie’s Diner
2150 Channing Way
Idaho Falls, ID
Grapevine Group
9:00 AM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Reunion de AA
5:00 PM
Holy Rosary Church Parish Center Building
145 9th St.
Idaho Falls, ID
(This meeting is in Spanish)
Turning Point Group
7:00 PM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Progressive Group
8:00 PM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Si Podemus
8:00 PM
145 9th St
Idaho Falls, ID
Lunch Bunch AA
11:30 AM
Denny’s Restaurant
950 Lindsay Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
New Hope and Inspiration Group
7:30 PM
New Life Church 2170 12th St.
Idaho Falls, ID
AA Study Group (Big Book)
8:00 PM
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Grapevine Group
7:00 AM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Coffee Break Group
10:00 AM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Happy Meals
11:30 AM
Dixie’s Diner
2150 Channing Way
Idaho Falls, ID
Just Stay
5:30 PM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Hope Group
7:30 PM
Center for Hope
1501 Northgate Mile
Idaho Falls, ID
Lunch Bunch Step Study Meeting
11:30 AM
950 Lindsay Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Clean and Sober Group
6:00 PM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
The Great News (Big Book Study)
7:30 PM
Unitarian Fellowship Church (downstairs)
555 E St.
Idaho Falls, ID
Veterans Recovery Group
8:00 PM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Grapevine Group
7:00 AM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Coffee Break Group
10:00 AM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Happy Meals Group
11:30 AM
Dixie’s Diner
2150 Channing Way
Idaho Falls, ID
Just Stay
5:30 PM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Progressive Group
8:00 PM
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Lunch Bunch A
11:30 AM
Denny’s Restaurant
950 Lindsay Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Just Stay
5:30 PM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Great News
7:00 PM
Cornerstone Pentecostal Church
793 Cleveland St
Idaho Falls, ID
Westside Group
8:00 PM
CrossPoint Community Church
1900 Grandview Dr.
Idaho Falls, ID
Lincoln Group
8:00 PM
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
The Sunlight of the Spirit
8:30 AM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
(This is a women’s only group)
Coffee Break Group
10:00 AM
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
Clean and Sober Group
6:00 PM
Serenity Hall
600 S Blvd
Idaho Falls, ID
The Buzz
Trinity United Methodist Church
237 N. Water Ave
Idaho Falls, ID