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Online Rehab in Idaho – COVID-19 & The Future of Addiction Treatment

Idaho Online Addiction Treatment – The Future of Rehab

It appears that online rehab may become commonplace for recovery drug and alcohol addicts in Idaho. The COVID-19 outbreak has certainly changed life in Idaho as it has progressed. Our admissions director, Evan Beales recently spoke with Idaho News to give his take on how it has impacted people with substance abuse problems. He states, “We’re seeing an increase in the number of suicides and of people falling into relapse.” Drug and alcohol addiction is already very isolating without any added stressors. People in recovery need those face-to-face meetings and appointments to help them stay on track. Without them, they can end up feeling hopeless, and this is already happening. Fortunately, the future does not have to be bleak; it can be quite promising because of today’s technological advances. By embracing online rehab options, we can give people hope once again, and partner with them as they seek to recover.

Isolation relapse

How Self-Imposed Isolation Fuels Addiction and Relapse

Recovering addicts are taught from day one that they cannot recover from their addictions on their own. They are instructed to reach out for help from professionals at their treatment program as well as from groups of their peers. But as it has all over the country, COVID-19 has driven many Idahoans into self-isolation. To suddenly have that support snatched away because of a virus has had serious consequences, even though self-isolation is required for their health. It has had a tremendous negative impact on their mental health, which has driven many people to relapse. For addicts in recovery, physically attending meetings is not just about socializing with others, although that is an important benefit. It is more about their survival than anything else.

One Woman Shares Her Story About Opioid Addiction Recovery During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Emma faithfully attended her Alcoholics Anonymous meeting each week. She also went to a support group meeting that was held through her methadone clinic. Both were helping her immensely prior to the Coronavirus outbreak. But since then, so much has changed. In addition to her addictions, Emma also suffers from bipolar disorder, according to NPR, a common co-occurring disorder. Her symptoms increased in severity when she realized her meetings had been moved to online and telephone sessions. It is not surprising that she sought to soothe herself with occasional doses of heroin. But to make matters worse, Emma still has to show up daily to get her dose of methadone. This puts her at risk for contracting the virus as she waits in line to get her medication. It is a frustrating and confusing situation, and it can be hard for addicts to take everything a day at a time.

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The Pain of Recovering From Addiction During COVID-19

Psychologist Dr. Kristen Kvamme weighed in on how difficult it can be to recover from addiction during the Coronavirus outbreak. According to Q13 Fox, she stated, “Being isolated, not having a support system, losing your income can have a detrimental effect on your mental health.” She couldn’t be more accurate in that assessment. So many recovering addicts have worked hard to pull themselves out of their pits of despair. They have relied on others to come alongside them and guide them in this journey they have embarked upon together. Now, they are not only missing out on personal interactions, but they have the added weight of financial problems as well. More than anything, Idahoans need to know that the future can be bright for them. While it is true that life as we know it has shifted, there are ways for people to continue to get the support they need.

What Does the Future Hold for Addiction Treatment in Idaho?

There can be no substitute for physically attending a treatment program and going to meetings. But during a time when doing so could potentially put one’s life at risk, other alternatives need to be more available. For many addiction recovery centers, the answer has been to move many of their services online wherever possible. Tele-treatment refers to connecting people with their therapists through video conferencing apps and websites. What was once considered to be an additional way to get support has now become – for many – the only way to get it. It is certainly a major change, but it is one that is not only necessary, but it may also be beneficial. Tele-treatment has allowed people to stay in contact with people in their 12-Step groups as well. All over Idaho, many AA and NA meetings have moved online to allow people to continue to get the support they need. For some, it has been a lifeline that they were happy to grab onto. One woman had this to say about her participation in her online 12-Step program, “I can honestly say that I would be having an absolutely hell time going through this. I wouldn’t be enjoying quarantine. It would be a major panic, a major depressive situation. The fact that we still have this community and can still do these meetings, even online – it’s amazing to me.”

Ashwood Recovery Offers Online Rehab Services in Idaho

At Ashwood Recovery, we have always prided ourselves on our commitment to offering the highest level of care for our clients. We frequently compare our services to those of an inpatient treatment program, and we have always offered flexible options for rehab. In recent weeks, we have had the opportunity to expand the very definition of flexible by including online rehab options for our clients. This decision was made at the relief of many of our clients who may have thought they would have to give up on recovery. Instead, we facilitate ways for them to remain in treatment and continue their healing journeys. Telehealth has allowed us to continue to offer the same high-quality care that we have always offered. The transition to this service has been relatively smooth, and our clients are still getting the support they need during this critical time.

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Is Online Rehab the Future of Addiction Treatment in Idaho?

It may still be too early to answer this question. But at Ashwood Recovery, we are confident that we have everything we need in place to continue to serve our clients. No one could have predicted how quickly our world would change. But we prefer to see COVID-19 as a way to improve our services and our accessibility to clients who need us now more than ever. If you would like to talk with us about our online rehab services, please contact us today.